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Zetech University Staff Profiles

Zetech University Staff Profiles

Benjamin Muindi

Acting Dean, School of ICT, Media & Engineering

Academic Degrees

1. Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Communication, 2021 - Daystar University, (Nairobi, Kenya).
2. Master of Arts in International Journalism, 2014 - University of Leeds, United Kingdom.
3. Master of Arts in Communication Studies, 2012 - University of Nairobi.
4. B. Ed. in English and Literature, 2007 - Kenyatta University, Nairobi Kenya.

Work Experience

1. Acting Dean, School of ICT, Media & Engineering – Zetech University, Dec 2024 to date
2. Senior Lecturer & Progamme Leader, Department of Media and Design, Zetech University – Zetech University, May 2022 to Dec 2024
3. Digital Communications Faculty, Department of Journalism and Corporate Communications - United States International University-Africa, Jan 2019 – May 2022
4. Postgraduate Studies Coordinator and Lecturer, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication - Mount Kenya University, Jan 2020 – May, 2022
5. Faculty, School of Communication - Daystar University, May 2017 – May 2022
6. Faculty, Graduate School of Communication and Media Studies - Aga Khan University, Jan 2018 – Nov 2018
7. Faculty, Department of Communication and Media Studies - Kenyatta University, Jan 2017 – Dec 2017
8. Writer, Editor - Nation Media Group, Kenya, May 2007 – Jan 2015
9. Teacher - Brookhouse International School, Jan 2007 – Apr 2007



1. Benjamin Muindi & Ola Ogunyemi. (2024). Journalism and Emotions in the African Context: How Kenyan journalists fulfil their duties to report traumatising events and manage their emotions. In: IAMCR (2024). Handbook of Journalism and Emotions: Theory, Production, Content and Responses. Wiley Blackwell.
2. Benjamin Muindi. (2024). Living in Fear of Surveillance: An In-depth Look at Surveillance from Lived Experiences of Local and Foreign Journalists in Kenya. In. Silent Echoes: Navigating Trauma in African Journalism. Routledge.
3. Benjamin Muindi. (2024). Psychological and Physical Lived Experiences of Journalists Covering Terrorism in Kenya. Journalism & Mass Communication Educator, 0(0).
4. Benjamin Muindi et al., (2024). Too late for warnings? Representation of Climate Change in Editorial Cartoons in Kenya During the U.N. Climate Change Conference COP27 period. Africa Journal of Media and Communications: Daystar University
5. Benjamin Muindi, Joy Kibarabara & David Cheruiyot. (2023). Missionaries of Excellence? Post-award Role Orientations of Journalism Prize Winners. Journalism Studies, 1-21. DOI: 10.1080/1461670X.2022.2142647
6. Benjamin Muindi & Caroline Kiarie. (2021). University Crises in Africa: A Situational Crisis Communication Study of Daystar University. Communicatio. 10.1080/02500167.2021.1976239. 
7. Benjamin Muindi (2021). Assessing the impact of terrorism and counterterrorism laws on media freedom in Kenya. In Maweu, Jacinta & Mare, Admire. Media, Conflict and Peace building in Africa. Routledge. London. DOI:
8. Benjamin Muindi (2021). A phenomenological investigation into the structural influences on journalistic freedoms when reporting terrorism in Kenya. Daystar University. Nairobi, Kenya. URI:
9. Benjamin Muindi & Caroline Kiarie. (2020). Students’ experiences and perceptions of online collaborative learning in Kenyan universities. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in the South, 4:2, 138 – 159. DOI:
10. Benjamin Muindi (2018). Negotiating the Balance between Speed and Credibility in Deploying Twitter as Journalistic Tool at the Daily Nation Newspaper in Kenya, African Journalism Studies, 39:1, 111-128, DOI: 10.1080/23743670.2018.1445654
11. Muindi, Benjamin, The gadget in our hands: Mobility, utility and agency in the deployment of mobile journalism in Kenyan media practice -a look at the case of general elections in Kenya (March 18, 2025). Available at SSRN:

12. Muindi, Benjamin, Kenyan journalism? An historical reflection on imperialism of the Western journalism template in the Kenyan media (March 18, 2025). Available at SSRN:
13. Benjamin Muindi & Sadichchcha Pokarel (2022) Agency and structure: assessing the impact of fake news laws and regulation on freedom of expression in Kenya. African Journalism Studies.
14. Benjamin Muindi (2014). Social media in Kenya: investigating the use of Twitter among Kenyan journalists. M.A. thesis. University of Leeds. United Kingdom.
15. Muindi, Benjamin, Social media and political campaigns in Kenya: Testing inter-media agenda setting relationship between Twitter and the Daily Nation newspaper in the 2017 elections (February 24, 2025). Available at SSRN: or

conference papers

Non Peer-Reviewed Research Papers
1. News production, media ownership and the ethics of news business - supervised by Dr Chris Patterson (University of Leeds, 2014/2015).
2. The rise of the new media & the increase in places to read news: The risk of a diminishing original reporting on complex and less accessible stories due to rise in new media – supervised by Prof Judith Stamper (University of Leeds, 2014/2015).
3. How technological, economic and social change have ‘reconfigured the job of the journalist and production of news’ and the consequences for journalism practice and also for public trust in the news – supervised by Judith Stamper. (University of Leeds, 2014/2015).
4. Contemplating the future of journalism in Kenya – supervised by Prof Levi Obonyo (Daystar University). (2016/2017)
5. Hierarchy of influences on media content in Kenya – supervised by Prof Levi Obonyo (Daystar University). (2016/2017)
6. The dialectic of structure and action in organizational communication – supervised by Prof Murej MakOchieng (Daystar University). (2016/2017)
7. Theorizing approaches to leadership – supervised by Dr Fred Olwendo (Daystar University)