Prof. Peter B. Kibas

Dean, School of Business and Economics
To teach, conduct research, consult and mentor/supervise graduate students in the following: Management; Entrepreneurship Development, Micro Finance; Social Entrepreneurship and Women Entrepreneurship among other areas
Doctorate (PhD) degree, Entrepreneurship Development, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA, August, 1995
Ed.M. Degree, Vocational/Business Studies, University of Illinois at U-C, May 1987
Ed. (l st Division) degree, Business Studies, University of New Brunswick, Canada, Sept 1978 - May 1981
Certificate in Distance Learning, University of Nairobi, December 1989
S l/Diploma in Business Studies, Kenyatta University, May 1974
Certificate in Small Business Counseling and Consulting, K-MAP, Nairobi, May 1996.
Certificate in Assessing of Business Counselors, British Council, April,2000
East African Certificate of Education (O-Levels), Division One, Kapsokwony High School. 1970.
Vice Chancellor, The Presbyterian University of East Africa
Deputy Vice Chancellor, Kabarak University
Founding Dean and Director, the School of Business of Kabarak University and Nakuru Town Campus
Founding Director of the Kenya Institute of Management, School of Management, (now Management University of Africa)
Director and founder of the Center for Excellence in Entrepreneurship Development (CEED) at the United States International University (USIU-Nairobi)
Founded (as a partner and advisor), PERT NETWORKS Ltdv (Now PERT INTERNATIONAL)
conference papers
- 'Re-thinking Secondary School Education: Enhancing the Curricula through International ESRREK Virtual Conference. Held on 25-26 November 2021.
- 'Innovative microfinancefor sustainable rural development: the case Q/' Women Enterprise Fund (wef) in Kenya ". Paper presented in the 2nd Zetech University Sustainability and Innovation Conference, Ruiru. 12-13 September, 2019.
- "Dynamics ofGlobal Trade, Investment and Sustainable Developmenl ". Key note research paper presented at the 2nd Interdisciplinary International Scientific Conference, Kibabii University, Kenya June 14-15 th, 2017.
- Determining Business Environmental Factors in ICTAdoption by SME oumer-managers in rural Kenya. Research Paper presented at the 2nd PUEA Annual International Research Conference, November 23-25 th, 2016. Kikuyu, Kenya. Dominic Wagura. Peter Kibas. Irene Asienga.
- 'Effects of M-Banking Services on Financial Performance and -Market Share Q/ Commercial Banks listed at the Nairobi Securities Exchange, Kenya ". Research Paper presented at the 2nd PUEA Annual International Research Conference, November 23-25 1 Kikuyu, Kenya. Kenneth Tarus. Peter Kibas. Ronald Chepkilot.'Business Entrepreneurship to Social Entrepreneurship: Case of Dr. Charles Muli " Research paper presented at the 38th ISBE conference, Glasgow, Scotland. November 2() 15. Co-presented with Ndondo Mulli.
- Entrepreneurship Education: Influencing student's entrepreneurial intentions: Research paper presented at the 13 thConference of the International Academy of African Business and Development (IAABD) in El Jadida, Morocco, 15-19th , May 2012. Robert Otuya, Peter Kibas and Robert Gichira. [Received the best paper award in the category of entrepreneurship, small business and the informal sector].
- 'Entrepreneurship: Key 10 Kenya 's Economic Development ". Research paper presented at the 3 rd Annual International Conference on Industry and Higher Education 28-30th , September 2011, at The Management University of Africa, Nairobi.
- "The new Frontiers for Kenyan Entrepreneurs" A research paper presented at the I st Entrepreneurship Conference at KCA University, Nairobi 26th September 2011.
- "A gender perspective to enhancing wealth creation for poverty alleviation among small s•cale fisheries in the Lake Victoria Basin. " Research paper presented at the 6th Annual International Conference, 7 th-12th September 2010 at Moi University.
- " Impediments QfSMEs Growth: A Kenyan Context " Research paper presented jointly with, L. Maket and R. Mbaraka, at the 6th Annual International Conference, 7th-12th , September 2010 at Moi University.
- A Convarative study offactors influencing street-based enterprise graduation in Eldoret ancl Nakuru Municipalities. " Research paper presented jointly with B. Nassiuma and M.O. Khayota at the 6th Annual International Conference, 7th-12th , September 2010 at Moi University.
- Women Entrepreneurship: Transition from employee to employer". Research Paper presented at the 32 nd International Conference of the Institute of Small Business and Entrepreneurship in Liverpool, UK, Nov 3-6th
- Analysis Q/'lssues qffecling Women Entrepreneurs in Micro and Small Enterprises in Kenya " Research paper presented at the 3 1 st International Conference of the Institute of Small Business and Entrepreneurship in Belfast, UK November, 4-7th , 2008.
- "Social entrepreneurship: A case Study ofMully Children Family " Research paper presented at the 30thInternational Conference of the Institute of Small Business and Entrepreneurship in Glasgow, UK November, 5-8 2007.
- Wcnnen entrepreneurship: Growth-oriented SMEs in UasinGishu and Marakwet Dislricls in Kenya ". A Research Paper presented at the 51st ICSB World Conference in Melbourne, Australia June 18-21, 2006).
- "Enlrepreneurship culturalfactors influencing growth-oriented women entrepreneurs in rural Kenya ". An empirical study and paper presented at the 3 rd International Entrepreneurship Conference at the United States International University, Nairobi. May 29-31 st, 2006.
- 'Slra/egic Planningför Results Based Management". Paper presented at the Technical and Vocational Education Training Institutions (TVET) Principals Workshop at KCCT, Mbagathi, March 10th, 2006.
- "Challenges Facing Women Entrepreneurs in Kenya" Paper presented at the Third Africa Resource Bank Meeting, Nairobi — Kenya, November 27 to 30, 2005.
- Rural Entrepreneurship: The Kenyan Rural Entrepreneur". An empirical study and paper presented at the 50th ICSB World Conference, 18-21 st June 2005.
- The Kenyan Entrepreneur: Typologies And Characteristics" An empirical study and paper presented at the 49th ICSB, World Conference in Johannesburg, SA organized by the International Council of Small Business (ICSB), June 20-23 rd, 2004
- "Entrepreneurshipas a key 10 Urica 's development" paper presented at the first Africa Resource Bank Meeting, White-sands hotel Mombasa, Kenya; November 20-22nd, 2003
- "Innovative Training in the Informal (Entrepreneurship) Sector in Kenya", An empirical study and paper presented at the 48th World Conference of the International Council of Small Business (ICSB), Belfast, Northern Ireland, June 15-18, 2003.
- "Innovative Capacity Building For Employment Creation: A Case ofthe Informal and synall enterprise sector", A paper presented at the 3 rd International Conference of the Kenya Chapter of the Association of Third World Studies, Daystar University, September 1 8 th 20th , 2002.
- "Entrepreneurship: Does it offer any hope for the graduate?" A paper presented at the KWANZAA series of lectures at USIU-Nairobi., October 8th, 2002.
- "Entrepreneurship as a strategy towards sustainable livelihoods by women refugees", A paper presented at an International (Regional) Workshop on refugee economy and livelihoods: Gender perspective, Moi University, August 14th —1 7th, 2000.
- "Entrepreneurship a way out for the Kenyan University graduate?" A paper presented to the Technology Management Studies Department Annual Workshop, Moi University, April 1997.
- "Investing the Christian Way", Paper presented to a World Vision North Rift Seminar f01' Project staff, Cheptebo (Keiyo), May 1997.
- "The Development ofSmall Enterprise Financing in Kenya 1963-1993: A historical perspective". Paper presented at the 2nd Conference of the Kenya Chapter, Organisation 01 Social Science Researchers in East Africa (OSSREA), Kitale, July 25-28th
- "Human Resource Development: A key to productivity enhancement in a liberalized economy". Paper presented at the Kenya Institute of Management Annual Dinner Workshop, Eldoret Branch, and November, 15th 1996.
- "Kenya — The economic realities for the next decade", A paper presented to the trainer of trainer's workshop, The CPK church, Eldoret October 1990.
- "Examinations Reforms — The Kenyan Experience", A paper presented at 5th International Seminar on Examination Reforms for Development at the IDS, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK. September, 1985.
Honored by being awarded, Fellowship Status by the Kenya Institute of Management, January
28th, 2010 — designated as 'Fellow of the Kenya Institute of Management (FKIM)'
- Visiting Scholar: Association of African Universities (AAU) Fellowship at the University of Cape Coast, Ghana; Taught graduate students Enterprise Development and examined five Theses for Masters candidates (M.Phil degree programme), December 1996.
- Graduate Research Assistantships, Department of Human Resource Development (then Vocational and Technical Education) University of Illinois, 1986/87 and 1993/95.
- World BanWGoK Public Universities Investment Project scholarship at the University of Illinois, 1993/95.
- International Labour Organization (ILO)/GoK award at the University of Illinois under the Extra-Mural programme in Nairobi, 1991/2.
- British Government Technical Assistance Fellowship award at the Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, Seminar on Examination Reform for Human Resource Development, Sept/Dec 1985.
- Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) scholarship at the University of New Brunswick, Canada, 1978-1980
- GOK, Ministry of Education scholarship at Kenyatta University to pursue Dip.Ed Programme, 197 1-74.