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Zetech University Staff Profiles

Zetech University Staff Profiles

Daniel Njeru


I am a proactive and dynamic facilitator of Teaching and learning and am currently the Head of the ICT and Engineering Department at Zetech
University. For over 9 years now, I have served in various roles in different learning institutions. I have an interest in Leadership and
Management, Mentoring of Young Adults, Integration of ICT in Teaching, Learning and Research. I provide consultancy services in the development of ICT in Education products and services, capacity-building trainings, and Software Development.
Academic Degrees

MSc. in Information Technology, Strathmore University 2016 Bsc. Applied Computer Science, Daystar University, 2013, Professional Certification in Higher Education Teaching, Daystar University, 2019, Certificate in Leadership and Management, Continous Improvement Management Services, 2012

Work Experience

Head of Faculty, ICT and Engineering, Zetech University, Tutorial Fellow, Zetech University, Since April 2019 Adjust Lecturer, Daystar University 2018, Part Time Lecturer, Karatina University, Head of Curriculum- Swaminarayan Academy, Since 2016, Head of Technical Department, Rasul Al Akram Academy-Karen Since 2013, Intern at Kenya Student Christian Fellowship. Volunteered at Compassion Assisted Project for 7 years since 2012, Co-Founder of Lukenya Pillars of Transformation, 2009



  1. Application for Career Path Decision Making among High School Students: A Case of Nairobi
  2. Participated in Responsible Computer Science Challenge
  3. Mwangi, B., Njeru, D., & Nyambura, H. (2022). A Survey of Cyber Crime Awareness Among Netizens of Higher Education Institutions: A Case Study of Zetech University. International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research.doi:10.7753/IJCATR1111.1002 
  4. Njeru, D. N. (2016). An application for career path decision making among high school students: case of Nairobi (Doctoral dissertation, Strathmore University). 
  5. Innovative Strategic Management Practices During Covid-19 Pandemic: A Case Study Of Zetech University

conference papers

Rapporteur at the Sustainable Innovations Conference 2019
Rapporteur at the Sustainable Innovations Conference 2022
Attended the Conference on Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education in Africa 2019
Conference on Digital Learning Africa Organized by International Business and Economic Forum of 2022

  1. Winner of the Zetech University Ideas Festival 2023 
  2. Awarded the VC’s Research Grant of Zetech University in 2022 
  3. Awarded 1st Runners Up in Creativity and Innovations Category in 2022